
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 13:24:55
)过去的一年,对台工作取得重要进展,台湾局势发生积极变化,两岸关系取得重大突破。两岸协商在“九二共识”基础上得到恢复,全面直接双向“三通”已经实现。两岸同胞往来更频繁、经济联系更密切、文化交流更活跃、共同利益更广泛,两岸关系开始步入和平发展轨道。新的一年里,我们要继续坚持发展两岸关系、促进祖国和平统一的大政方针,牢牢把握两岸关系和平发展的主题,积极构建两岸关系和平发展框架,努力开创两岸关系和平发展新局面。 我们要继续全面加强两岸经济合作,共同应对金融危机。积极推进两岸金融合作,支持在大陆的台资企业发展,对符合条件的提供融资服务,鼓励企业自主创新和转型升级。 加强两岸双向投资和产业合作,拓展和深化农业合作。

Support the economic development of the western side of the Strait and those areas with a lot of Taiwan investment. Speed up the promotion of the normalization of the economic relations across the Strait, promote the signing of comprehensive economic cooperation agreements, and gradually establish the kind of economic cooperation mechanism with distinctive features across the Strait. We must promote the personnel mutual exchanges, enlarge the contacts of all ranks and files, uphold and propagate the Chinese culture and strengthen the spiritual ties across the Strait.Under the principle of one China, efforts should be directed at promoting the mutual political trust across the Strait. Under such a premise and through mutual consultation, we are willing to make reasonable arrangements for such issues as Taiwan’s participation in international organizations, discuss the political and military issues across the Strait, thus creating a favorable condition to end the mutual hostilities an