帮我翻译两句话 。。中译英

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 19:25:11


谢谢啦 ...不要乱翻译啊
问题补充:请帮我把这两句话翻译正 英语,谢谢大家。

May I have your attention please, all colleagues get ready to go to the dining area.

May I have your attention please, lunch won't be available until 12:15pm due to the delayed meeting. Please get ready for lunch.

Ladies and gentlemen, attention please! It's time to go to the dining hall to have the meal.

Ladies and gentlemen, attention please! I am sorry to inform you that because of the detention of the meeting, the lunch will be put off to 12:15. Please get ready for lunch.

1. Please note that my colleagues are called upon to prepare all meals to dining areas.

2. Members Please note that the reasons for the delay due to the meeting, lunch will be conducted 12:15. Please do a good preparation before eating.

1. Please note that my colleagues are now ready to please dining dining areas

2. Members Please note that the reasons