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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 21:37:01
期待可能性理论自二十世纪初确立,在许多大陆法系国家或地区的刑法理论界占有相当重要的地位,现已在德国、日本和我国的台湾地区的刑法理论界获得通说地位,并在刑事立法和司法中得以采纳。在我国的大量的刑事立法与司法实践中也在一定程度上体现了期待可能性思想,但这并非是这一思想指导的结果,仅仅是立法者和司法者基于人性的自发考量,与期待可能性理论暗合而已,因此,为了实现更加精准到位的刑事立法与司法,寻找强大的理论支撑,为了实现从自发到自觉的理性飞跃,尤其是我国目前所处的发展阶段所导致的贫富悬殊程度加剧、弱势群体的权益缺乏有效的经济、法律方面的保障等问题, 使得在司法实践中的确出现了一些与人们的基本法律情感不符的个案。引入期待可能性理论, 对于缓解这种矛盾, 体现法律的公平和正义, 有着突出的意义。所以说对期待可能性进行广泛深入的研究有着重大的积极意义。

关键词:期待可能性 价值 位阶 借鉴

The theory of expectation of possibility in the early twentieth century, many continental law system country or region of criminal law theory is important, has been in Germany, Japan and Taiwan region of China's criminal law theory, and obtain tong said in criminal legislation and judicial to adopt. In our large amounts of criminal legislation and judicial practice also reflected in a certain extent, but the expectation of possibility is not the result of this guidance, is only the lawmakers and judicial based on human, and spontaneous, although the theory of expectation of possibility, therefore, in order to achieve more accurate in criminal legislation and judicial, looking for strong theoretical support to achieve the rational consciousness from spontaneous to leap, especially in current stage of development in rich-poor gap aggravating, the rights and interests of the disadvantaged groups is lack of effective economic and legal aspects of security issues in judicial practice