
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 12:28:27


本文主要论述了沈从文湘西小说中人性美的特点。全文共分为5个部分。第一个部分为沈从文湘西小说中“人性美”特点的概述;第二个部分则是针对沈从文湘西小说中人性美的“自然性”特点进行了叙述;第三个部分是突出解释了在“自然性”特点下“那些未被异化的自然人”的特点;第四个部分则是从创作手法上对沈从文的“人性美”特点进行了思考;最后一个部分则集中叙述了一下沈从文人性美中裹含的悲剧性的特点。本文认为“自然性” 、创造手法上的独特性,以及“悲剧性”这三个特点共同构成了沈从文湘西小说当中“人性美”的总体上的特点。这是本文论述的基础。论点依据主要来自沈从文湘西小说中的实例!大部分来自小说《边城》 ,部分来自于其他的湘西系列的作品。在文中以引用的方式列出!

This paper discusses the humanity in shen congwen's west novels. Text is divided into five parts. The first part of his novel "humanity" xiangxi summarizes characteristics, The second part is in shen congwen's novel of "humanity in xiangxi characteristics of naturalness". The third part is the outstanding explained in "naturalness" who are not under the characteristics of "natural" alienation of characteristics, The fourth part from writing on shen congwen's "humanity" characteristics of thinking, The last part is concentrated in a narrative shen humanity of tragic wrapped. This article argues that "naturalness" and create technique of uniqueness and the characteristics of the three "tragic" was composed of shen congwen "humanity" xiangxi novels of overall characteristic. This is discussed in this paper. According to the main arguments from the examples in shen congwen's novel! Most of th