
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 13:29:11
建设银行个人信贷管理系统将利用目前各种先进的计算机和网络技术,在前期系统的基础上,实现技术与管理等各方面新的突破与提高,使本系统投产后能够在建设银行信贷业务的开展和管理上发挥更大的作用。建设银行个人信贷系统将建设银行目前所有的个人信贷业务全部纳入系统进行计算机管理,利用现代计算机技术对系统内大量的业务数据进行及时、科学的汇总、分析和预测,准确地反映出信贷者的各种情况, 为及时防范资产风险,提供坚实的技术基础和保障,为决策人员提供真实、全面和科学的决策依据。本系统从用户实际业务需求出发,在吸收现有各个商业银行信贷管理系统的优点的基础上,按照国际发展趋势与中国商业银行信贷管理现状相结合的原则进行设计。首先完成系统的需求分析和系统的规划,确定系统业务流程调查分析,科学划分系统的功能模块,并运用Microsoft Office Visio等软件进行功能模块图和各项业务系统流程图的设计,并加入了报表统计的功能。银行的决策者可以根据报表的分析,做出下一步的经营管理政策,从而提高整个银行的工作效率和经济效益。

The construction bank credit management system will use personal at all kinds of advanced computer and network technology, on the basis of the previous system, technology and management etc, make new breakthroughs and improve the production system in construction bank credit business and management play a bigger role. Personal credit system construction bank will construction bank at present all personal credit business in the computer management system, using modern computer technology in the business of system of data aggregation, timely and scientific analysis and prediction, accurately reflects the various conditions, credit risk assets for the timely prevention, providing solid technical basis and guarantee for decision-making, provide true, comprehensive and scientific basis for decision-making. This system users from the actual demand in all existing, commercial bank credit management system based on the advantage of developing trends, according to international and Chinese c