谁帮我翻译一下啊 老大们 急用啊~~~

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/18 16:51:57
要懂英语的翻译 不要从网上直接翻译的

Today, new technologies, new rules and new inventions constantly reshaping our world. Accounting Standards have been taking important steps to respond to this change and development. Therefore, the basic assumptions of accounting ( "what if") or based on the concept ( "Concept") can not stand still. As a traditional four alternative assumptions, this article may be recommended that, assuming the state's macro-economic regulation and control, accounting principal (main and virtual reality combined with the main phase), continuing operations (continuing operations and non-continuing operations; continuing operations across the enterprise division of the termination of individual At the same time, the existence of the operation), time phased (the disclosure of periodic reports with the combination of real-time), an accrual basis and cash-flow system, the fair value and cost (fair value, historical cost, current cost of a variety of measures a