
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 14:00:39
写给我亲爱的老公。 亲爱的,下面这些话都是写给你的,要是只写这一句话,你会不会气晕过去?哈哈 亲爱的,还记得我们刚认识时候的对话吗?那时我还没能从前一段感情的阴影中走出来,我痛彻心扉,可和你的对话,让我觉得你非常幽默而且说话很有哲理,让我十分欣赏,我就玩笑似的对你讲了一句“我们交往吧”就是这句话,从此便让你我紧紧的联系到了一起。 仿佛这件事情是昨天发生的一样,时间过得好快,转眼间我们好了一个多月了,但是我们的感情基地似乎不止这一个月,我们到像是好了很多年了,马上要结婚的情侣。

写给我亲爱的老公。 亲爱的,下面这些话都是写给你的,要是只写这一句话,你会不会气晕过去?哈哈 亲爱的,还记得我们刚认识时候的对话吗?那时我还没能从前一段感情的阴影中走出来,我痛彻心扉,可和你的对话,让我觉得你非常幽默而且说话很有哲理,让我十分欣赏,我就玩笑似的对你讲了一句“我们交往吧”就是这句话,从此便让你我紧紧的联系到了一起。 仿佛这件事情是昨天发生的一样,时间过得好快,转眼间我们好了一个多月了,但是我们的感情基地似乎不止这一个月,我们到像是好了很多年了,马上要结婚的情侣。

To my dear husband. Honey, these words are addressed to you, if only to write this word, you will not faint gas? Haha honey, remember when we meet the dialogue? I haven't had a relationship among the shadows, I walked out, and you enough trails of dialogue, let me feel you very humorous and speak a philosophy, let I appreciate, I would like to tell you a joke: "our communication" is the sentence, then let you I tightly linked. If it is happened yesterday, time flies, suddenly we ready for more than a month, but our feelings than this month base seem to like, we ready for years, will soon get married couples.

Addressed to my dear husband. Honey, the following words are addressed to you, if only to write this sentence