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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 20:31:00
鸭疫里默氏杆菌(Riemerella anatipestifer RA)血清型复杂,在我国流行性鸭疫里默氏杆菌血清型的报道中以1型居多。针对1型菌株制备高免血清对于临床诊断和分型具有重要意义。本实验将1株1型鸭疫里默氏杆菌菌株进行扩大培养后浓缩菌液与弗氏佐剂和弗氏不完全佐剂乳化制备弗氏佐剂灭活油乳剂疫苗和弗氏不完全佐剂灭活油乳剂疫苗,用来免疫兔子。免疫程序如下:首免采用脚蹼两点注射弗氏完全佐剂灭活油乳剂疫苗1ml/只,首免后第10d和20d又以3.0ml/只六点注射RA弗氏不完全佐剂灭活油乳剂疫苗进行二免,三免。三免后10天试血效价为1:100,继续进行四免即在第31天, 33天,35天又分别对兔子耳沿静脉注射RA菌液0.1ml/只,0.3ml/只,0.5ml/只。四免后第9天试血最高效价达到1:1600,采用心脏放血分离血清。经实验室检验和临床应用证明,鸭疫里默氏杆菌1型高免血清具有抗体效价高和特异性高等优点。

Duck LiMo epidemic( Riemerella anatipestifer RA) in China, the serum type complex influenza epidemic duck LiMo coli serum type reports in the majority with type 1. In type 1 strain, high serum free for clinical diagnosis and classification has important significance. The experiment will strain type 1 duck LiMo epidemic strain on expanding coli bacteria and concentrated training after's adjuvants and incomplete adjuvants emulsion's preparation's adjuvants inactivated vaccine and oil emulsion's not completely adjuvants inactivated vaccine, used oil emulsion immune rabbit. Immune program is as follows: using the free two injection's fins completely adjuvants inactivated vaccine 1ml/oil emulsion, first from the only after 10d 20d and to 3.0 ml/only six injection RA's not completely adjuvants inactivated vaccine oil emulsion were free, three free. Three from 10 days after the blood test for 1 to 0, SiMian continue in 31 days, 33 days, 35 days of rabbit ears and al