
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 03:32:09
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摘 要


关键词:客户忠诚; 忠诚度建设; 客户细分;

Customer Segmentation Xixia beer and loyalty-building


Since joining the WTO, the Chinese mainland has become the world's mining companies to find and return one of the main battlefield, foreign-funded enterprises to enter the Chinese market quickly landing. With the increasing competition in the market, domestic enterprises and gradually began to establish a sense of crisis and exploration companies continue to seek survival and development of the secret of good medicine.
In the lower end of the domestic beer market has saturated, the market increasingly competitive, and even repeated more than beer companies compete for the phenomenon of a small county. New customers can not be a major source of its profits, and to retain an old customer is just the cost of attracting new customers the cost of a 1 / 5, how to retain existing customers and to enhance their loyalty in order to do a good job in customer segmentation, is the future work of the