劳烦翻译下 和平奖的颁发其实是受很多的势力制约。毕竟是西方的产物,西方人想给谁给谁。的吗

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/26 00:28:07
劳烦翻译下 和平奖的颁发其实是受很多的势力制约。毕竟是西方的产物,西方人想给谁给谁。的吗

In fact, the Peace Prize award is subject to many constraints forces. After all, it is a product of the West, Westerners who would like to give to whom. The right

As a matter of fact, the awards of Peace Prize, which are after all the product of the West, are subject to many forces, so it is their trick to give them to someone the Westerners like.