英语高手帮忙翻译一下 汉译英 挺多的 麻烦你们了 谢谢

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 11:47:37
好好翻译噢 ,翻的好 追加分。
望着电脑屏幕,无所事事,我是怎么了,本该努力训练Solo的,现在却望着屏幕发呆,打开QQ 始终注视着她的QQ头像,期待着她的出现。许久的等待 最终化作了泡影。
也许从那天开始,我喜欢上了她,因为她通情达理,因为她善良可爱。我开始喜欢上跟她聊天,喜欢听她的声音。我有一个梦想,成为魔兽职业选手,很多人都说我是疯子,是的,我是个不折不扣的疯子,可是只有她相信我,支持我,并鼓励我,本来快要放弃的梦想 被我重新拾起,我发现我真的喜欢上她了……
你可知道,是你让我对自己有了信心,有了激情。很感谢你 衷心的感谢你,所以我有什么话 我都想告诉你,因为我信任你。
也许这都是我的错觉,一切都可以是错觉,但是有一点我很明白,我已经喜欢上你了。我不奢求别的什么,也不在乎你是怎么想的。正是证明了一点,我是疯子。好吧 也许我错了,错了就错了吧,之后我才会明白 是对,是错……

I can do this successfully
Looking at the computer screen, doing nothing, how I am, and the Solo of the efforts to train, but now they stare blankly at the screen, open the QQ is always watching QQ her head, looking forward to the emergence of her. Waiting a long time into the final went down the drain.
Perhaps from that day, I love her because she was sensible, as her lovely kind-hearted. I began to love days, like to listen to her voice. I have a dream to become professional players of Warcraft, many people have said I was crazy, yes, I am an out-and-out insane, but only, she believed me, support me and encourage me, the dream had been about to give up I re-picked up, I found that I really like her ... ...
Do you know, is that you let me have the confidence of their own, with passion. I am grateful to you my heartfelt thanks to you, so I have what I want to tell you, because I trust you.
So many days, you have given me a lot of fun, but you also let me have