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Americans Celebrate Thanksgiving
By Diaa Bekheet
Nov 5, 2006, 11:21 PST

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On the fourth Thursday of every November, Americans celebrate Thanksgiving. Airports and roads are jammed. More than 40 million Americans travel from state to state to celebrate the holiday. On Thanksgiving Day, Americans give thanks for the blessings of the past year. They feast, celebrate, and play games.

One woman, Lisa Seligman, who is hosting a large thanksgiving dinner explains, "Everybody in the family: my two sisters, my two brothers and all of their families, we have the traditional turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and vegetables, all the cakes and pies after the turkey dinner. We usually eat kind of late. I think a lot of people here have their turkey dinner at around 3pm in the afternoon or so, earlier in the day. But we always have it a little later like 5pm or so, then dad watches the (American footb