
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/27 22:19:17
The Erie Canal was the first important national waterway built in the US. It crossed New York from Buffalo on Lake Erie Troy to Albany on the Hudson River. It joined the Great Lakes with the Atlantic Ocean. The canal served as a route over which industrial goods could flow into the west, and materials could pour into the east. The Erie Canal helped New York develop into the nation’s largest city.
The building of the canal was paid for entirely by the state of New York. It cost $ 7 143 789, but it soon gained its price many times over. Between 1825, when the canal was opened, and 1882, when toll charges(过运河费) were stopped, the state collected $121 461 891.
For a hundred years before the Erie was built, people had been talking about a canal which could join the Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean. The man who planned the Erie Canal and carried the plan through was De Witt Clinton. Those who were against the canal laughingly called it “Clinton’s Ditch(沟)”. Clinton talked and wrot

建造这条运河是支付全部由纽约州的。它花费$ 7 143 789,但很快就取得了它的价格多倍。1825年,当运河之间是打开的,和1882年,当过桥费(过运河费),国家停止收集$ 121 461 891。
一百年前,人们建造了伊利运河已经谈论了可加入大湖和大西洋。这个男人进行计划伊利运河,通过这项计划是德李天元克林顿。那些反对运河笑称它为“克林顿的沟(沟)”。克林顿喋喋不休,写了一篇关于运河和拟定计划。他和州长莫里斯去华盛顿在1812年寻求帮助的运河,但他们都unsuccessful. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m