
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 09:47:10
要求:1翻译(不论翻译成怎样请写下来,谢了)。2 写下翻译过程(当然你翻译过了可能不记得,但尽量详细)及遇到的问题(比如临时忘记词汇,写的时候打错字等)只翻译而不写第二要求的恕不给分哦。谢谢啦。
另外,为了确保数据的丰富性,欢迎各种英语层次的朋友作答。非常感谢!!! 多谢大家的作答,不过请不用蒙我的,人工和机器的我看得出来。我要人工的翻译,翻译不是最主要的,是要各位写下的翻译过程,真的是希望大家能在翻译中给些数据给我分析。不胜感谢。。。。。

1. The classroom is the study place. 2. The sun will raise tomorrow, therefore the life must continue. 3. The national prosperity does not depend upon the military force, does not depend upon the war, depends upon plundering, but is relies on the national culture and populace's creativity.

1. The classroom is a place to learn.
2. The sun will rise tomorrow, so life must continue.
3. Rich and powerful countries do not rely on the force, do not rely on war, instead of relying on a more predatory, but rather depends on the culture and people's creativity.

Requirements: 1 translation (and whether or not translated into how to write it down please, thanks). 2 to write the translation process (translation of course, you may not remember the past, but as much detail as possible) and the problems encountered (such as temporary forgotten vocabulary, writing, when a typing error, etc.) and not only the translation will not be required to write