
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 03:42:48
1. 双关:就是由意识地利用语言中的同音异义或一词多义现象使一句话产生两层不同的意思,即“一语双关”。例如:“Ask for More.——More(cigarette)”,“More”的英文意思是:更多更好。“More”的读音又是女士香烟“莫尔”的中文拼音。广告语的双关在这则女士香烟的广告语就做到了两全其美,且韵味无穷。再如飘柔洗发水的广告:“Start Ahead(Reioce).”“start”是开始的意思,“ahead”是头部的意思,那么这句话译为中文就是:“成功之路,从头开始。”不愧是一语双关的经典示范。
2. 夸张:We’ve hidden a garden full of vegtables where you’d never expec t in a pie.这是美国Bisquick牌的“蔬菜什锦饼”广告中的一句。“Garden”本来是名词“花园”的意思,在这里用量词表示“许多的。”这里的“a garden full of vegetables”显然是一种夸张。
3. 头韵:是押韵的一种。它是指在一个句子中,由于向邻近的起首字母发音相同而产生的音韵。例如“Never late on Father’s Day.”,两个元韵〔ei〕能一种和谐的音乐美;再如“Behind that healthy smile,there’s a Crest kid.”(Crest toothpaste)健康笑容来自佳洁士。
4. 比喻:是英语中常见的修辞格之一,是以此喻彼的手段。它主要有明喻和暗喻两种。暗喻是用来表示两种不同事物之间的相似关系。在广告英语中广为使用,以增强语言的美感。
例(1)The most sensational place to wear stain on ur lips.(推销口红广告)
例(2)Something within you is Dior.(

With a variety of rhetorical devices
Rhetoric is language to enhance the beneficial effects of weapons, which the ad in English a very important role to play. Advertisements in English the most common figures of speech are: puns, exaggeration, alliteration, metaphor and personification.
1. Pun: that by the conscious use of language homonymy or polysemy phenomenon so that a two-tier have a different word meaning, that is, "quipped." For example: "Ask for More .-- More (cigarette)", "More" in English means: more and better. "More" is also President of the pronunciation of cigarettes, "Moore" in Chinese pinyin. Dual-language advertising in Ms. This language on cigarette ads did the best of both worlds, and infinite charm. Another example Rejoice shampoo ad: "Start Ahead (Reioce)." "Start" is the beginning of the Italian
Thinking, "ahead" of the meaning of the head, then this sentence translat