
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 03:24:52
门铃停了,却始终没人应答。于是我又重新按,一次又一次。我很沮丧……我按了邻居家的门,也没人应答,我想他们应该是出去了。我跑遍了住在同一小区的朋友家,可他们都不在!最后(at last)我跑回家重新按了一次门铃,终于有人应答了!

It was still nobody answering after the doorbell stoped ringing.
I was trying to ring the bell time again after time.
I was so depressed about that....
I also pressed the doorbell of the neighbor .
There was still no one reply.
I thought that they should be out of home this time.
No one was at home even though I run through my friends' home who also living in the same subdistrict.
It was finally some one answers when i was back to ring the bell again at last.

one day one answer.
there are many ways to speak in english.

门铃停了,却始终没人应答。于是我又重新按,一次又一次。我很沮丧……我按了邻居家的门,也没人应答,我想他们应该是出去了。我跑遍了住在同一小区的朋友家,可他们都不在!最后(at last)我跑回家重新按了一次门铃,终于有人应答了!
The door bell stopped, but still no one answered. So I tried again, one time after another. I was frustrated … I rang my neighbor’s the door bell, nobody answered either, I figured that they might have had gone out. I ran to try my friends’ homes in the same neighborhood, but none of them wa