
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 18:59:07
摘 要:农村城镇化建设是我国实现现代化的一个必经过程,是衡量一个国家综合国力的重要标志,是二十一世纪世界发展的一大潮流。实施农村城镇化建设,是我国政府通观国际、国内形势而提出的的一项重大经济战略,它是我国实现城乡和谐发展,促进社会公平,推进新农村建设,解决“三农”难题,刺激国内需求,实现科学发展以及提升综合国力等而做出的重要举措。本文从我国进行农村城镇化建设的必要性出发,分析了其当前及其长远意义,剖析了当前我国农村城镇化建设的现状,并针对存在的问题着重提出了农村城镇化建设的建议对策。
急求英语翻译 因为工作很忙,加上英语水平有限

Abstract: The urbanization of rural China to achieve modernization is a necessary process, is a measure of a country an important indicator of overall national strength is the twenty-first century one of the major world development trend. The implementation of rural urbanization, the Chinese government view to the international and domestic situation and made an important economic strategy, it is in our country to achieve the harmonious development of urban and rural areas, promoting social justice, promote the new rural development to address the "three rural" problems, to stimulate domestic demand and to achieve scientific development and the enhancement of comprehensive national strength and an important move to make. This article from rural China of the need for urbanization, the analysis of its current and long-term significance, analysis of the current urbanization in rural areas of the status quo, and to focus on problems of urbanization in rural areas the construct