考务管理摘要 谁能帮我翻译谢谢了

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 03:21:36
本文详细论证了基于JAVA的考务管理系统可行性和解决方案,确定了在使用比较多的Microsoft Windows XP操作系统下,以Myeclipse、Tomcat作为开发工具,由SQL Server2000 作为后台支持数据库来开发考务管理系统的方案,设计完成的功能主要面向教务员、教员、学员:教务员能够方便的进行考务管理;教员能够查询相关的信息和填写相应的报表;学员能及时了解考试信息、成绩信息以及填写试卷复查申请。本文介绍了JSP技术在数据库方面的基本应用,研究了学院考务管理系统的总体框架结构,给出了系统的功能模块组成,论述了各个功能模块的实现过程。
英文翻译 谢谢 我自己翻得的不好 被老师批???

With the popularity of computers and the rapid development of network technology, more and more people began to use computers to solve practical problems. Examination Management is the Senate an important component of management is to improve the management level of college teaching, one of the key link. Examination Management of intelligent, network-based, is the realization of the importance of the comprehensive construction of college content. College is now widely used approach to stand-alone manual and test management processes, the process of red tape and inefficiency, in order to improve the automation level of the Senate office, with modern means of dealing with test management, we developed a test management system.

This paper demonstrates the JAVA-based management system of the test the feasibility of and solutions identified in the use of a relatively large number of Microsoft Windows XP operating system to Myeclipse, Tomcat as a development tool, SQL Server2