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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 16:13:41
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(英文)Barbie: a girl’s best friend

They say diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but for me, it is always Barbie. She was there with me on my first day of school and when I lost my first tooth. She was there at my first birthday party, and she was there the first night I stayed away from home.
Recently, the grand opening of the Barbie Megastore in Shanghai prompted me to reminisce about Barbie and what she means to us.
Barbie has come under a lot of criticism in recent years. Many argue that she is an unrealistic role model for young girls. Her blonde hair, perfect skin and too-thin, hourglass figure send the wrong message about beauty, they claim. After all, she just turned fifty and there’s not a wrinkle on her face! Others believe that Barbie represents an independent, and career-focused woman. After all, she has been an astronaut, movie star, doctor and business woman and she still has time to have fun with her friends and travel the world.
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