
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/05 06:59:38
关键词: 人民币汇率;人民币升值;出口企业;出口贸易

Since July 1, 2005 reform of the RMB exchange rate regime, the yuan had appreciated greatly. RMB appreciation not only for external reasons, but also has its own internal reasons. However, its inherent years the main reason is because of China's international balance of payments "double surplus." RMB appreciation on China's export enterprises benefit both side and adverse effects. In the context of the appreciation of the renminbi, the Chinese Government and export enterprises to cope with the corresponding measure.

Since July 1, 2005 reform of the RMB exchange rate regime, the yuan had appreciated greatly. RMB appreciation not only for external reasons, but also has its own internal reasons. However, its inherent years the main reason is because of China's international balance of payments "double surplus." RMB appreciation on China's export enterprises benefit both side and adverse effects. In the context of the appreciation of the renminb