
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 08:16:05
含蓄条件句是指不含IF引导的条件句。最常见的有动词或其它词类变化而来的名词化结构的句子。名词化结构句子往往含有条件、原因、目的等语义。这是英语中的一种意合句式。英语名词化结构的句子常用于英语信函、文件正式文体中。商务英语所用语言正式、精炼,用词严谨、规范,常有一定的格式和套话。这是商务英语外贸应用文中询价函电中常用的句型之一:“ Your early reply to our specific inquiry will be highly appreciated.如蒙早日答复我方的具体询价,将不胜感激。”句中主语reply是由动词变化而来的名词,整个主语部分含有条件语义。
条件问句(conditional question)就是“一个条件句+一个问句”组成,这个问句可以是特殊问句或者普通问句。典型句型有两个:“What +… if…?” 和”If …+ then?”。
我方问:What would you do if we agree to a two-year contract?
对方答:What if we modify our specifications, would you consider a large order?

3. Implicitly conditional on the role of Business English
Implicitly refers to non-conditional conditions IF sentence guide. The most common verbs or other parts of speech have come from changes in terms of sentence structure. Terms of the structure of the sentence often contains conditions, reasons, such as semantic purpose. This is the English meaning of a sentence together. Of the structure of English noun phrases commonly used in English letters, documents in a formal style. Business English the official language, refining, strict terms, standardization, and often a certain format and cliches. This is the practical business of English foreign trade in the inquiry message, one of commonly used sentence: "Your early reply to our specific inquiry will be highly appreciated. As soon as possible if you reply to our specific inquiry, would be grateful." Sentence subject reply comes from the verb changes in the term part of the whole subject with the semantic conditions