翻译 沐浴房的安装说明

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/01 00:23:51
1. 如果配石材,则将石材放在要安装的位置,并调节水平,如配底盆,先将底盘的下水器及下水管藏好,确保不会漏水。再将底盒放在要安装的位置,底盆正面比墙角处约高3mm,保证沐浴时水往下水器流(不配石材或底盆,则量房体所在的位置,确保调节水平)图2
2. 先将门下挡水铝材(10),用转角接头(12)连接好,放置在石材或底盆上,门下挡水铝材外边沿距石材或底盆外边沿20mm,用铅笔标出孔位,拿出门下挡水铝材后,用冲击钻钻孔,打入膨胀管(5),用ST4X35螺钉将其锁紧,再把小活玻和大固玻装上拱形条(24),再装上固定夹,先把开夹固玻放在门下挡水铝材(16)里,用水平尺校正使之横平竖直,用铅笔标出需钻孔的位置,用冲击钻钻孔后打入膨胀管。(图3)
3. 把应放置开夹固玻处的门下挡水铝材里垫上1-2mm尼龙垫片或拆包的打包带,再将开夹固玻放入挡水铝材里,确保玻璃横平竖直,用ST4X35螺丝将固玻锁紧在墙上。(图4)
4. 将活玻上的胶磁条装好,在开夹固玻装活玻处下方放一块木块或其它东西,把活玻放在所垫物品的上面,调节活玻与固玻上表面平齐,再将门铰的活动部分与活玻相连接,将门铰螺钉稍微拧紧,再将下门铰用同样方法拧好,调整好活玻后再拧紧上下门铰的螺钉。

5. 将大固玻上的胶磁条装好,把大固玻放入门下挡水铝材里,调整大固玻与活玻吸合 无缝隙且上端平齐,大固玻横平竖直,用铅笔标示固定夹需钻孔位置,钻孔打入膨胀管,再接步骤3把大固玻锁在墙上。
6. 先将拉轩和墙接头,拉杆玻璃夹连接好,装到开夹固玻上端,用铅笔标示出墙接头需钻孔的位置(右固玻上拉杆也按此操作),用冲击钻钻孔后打入膨胀管,用ST4X35螺钉锁紧墙接头,把拉杆玻璃夹调到合适位置,用内六角螺钉锁紧拉杆,把小固玻与靠墙铝材插合,把毛巾杆用毛巾杆螺钉锁在大、小固玻之间,钻孔打入膨胀管,用ST4X12螺钉锁紧小固玻并盖上螺钉盖帽,纯硬条卡在小固玻上,把置物玻璃用置物玻璃夹锁在大小固玻之间,最后在活玻上装上拉手,活玻下部装上门下防水条,最后将门下挡水铝材盖盖在活玻下方的门下挡水铝材上,活玻装门铰端装拱

III: Installation steps (to grasp the general principles of installation techniques to ensure that the cross-level vertical)
1. If the allocation of stone, stone will be placed on the location to install and adjust the level, such as with the end of the basins, the first chassis and a water reservoir under the pipes, and to ensure no leakage. Then at the end of box to be installed on the location of a positive than a corner at the end of Devonian high of approximately 3mm, to ensure that the water bath when the water flow down (or at the end of stone pots and do not deserve, then the volume of the location of housing body to ensure that the regulation of the level) Figure 2
2. Subglottic first retaining aluminum (10), with the corner joints (12) to connect good, or at the end placed in the stone basin, the subglottic aluminum retaining stone from outside the edge or outside edge of the end of basin 20mm, marked with pencil hole, and come up with subglottic retaining alum