
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 18:30:05
3G,全称为3rd Generation,第三代与前两代的主要区别是在传输声音和数据的速度上的提升,它能够在全球范围内更好地实现无缝漫游,并处理图像、音乐、视频流等多种媒体形式,提供包括网页浏览、电话会议、电子商务等多种信息服务,同时也要考虑与已有第二代系统的良好兼容性。为了提供这种服务,无线网络必须能够支持不同的数据传输速度,也就是说在室内、室外和行车的环境中能够分别支持至少2Mbps(兆比特/每秒)、384kbps(千比特/每秒)以及144kbps的传输速度。

3G, called the 3rd Generation, the third generation of the previous two generations is the main difference between voice and data transmission speed of the upgrade, it can be better at the global level to achieve seamless roaming, and to deal with images, music, video streaming and other forms of media, including web browsing, conference calls, e-commerce and other information services, taking into account also the second-generation system and has good compatibility. In order to provide such services, the wireless network must be able to support different data transfer rate, that is to say in the indoor, outdoor and vehicular environments, respectively, can support at least 2Mbps (megabits / second), 384kbps (kilobits / second) as well as the transmission speed of 144kbps.
3G era provides us with a rich, fast life

3G is the third generation of mobile phone standards and technology, superseding 2G, and preceding 4G. It is based on the International Telecommunication Union