
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 22:27:42
摘要:随着社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立和完善,市场调节作用日益彰显。劳动力市场化调节使农村剩余劳动力向城镇转移速度不断提高。与此相反,传统管理体制仍未得到根本改革,城乡隔离模式下的许多制度仍阻碍着农村劳动力的自由流动,农民工的合法权益得不到充分有效地保护。由于历史及 制度形成的城乡差别,农民与城镇居民差距显著。与这两个群体相比,由农村进城务工的农民则形成了一个相对庞大的“中间阶级”。与城镇居民相比,农民工根本无法享有许多由《劳动法》规定的权利,地位十分低下。在目前这种条件下,农民工权益的保护是一项有待解决而又相当艰巨的任务。从同为一个国家的公民来看,对农民工的差别对待是于法不容的,也不利于社会的稳定、持续地发展。因此,从制度上消除不合理的障碍,切实加强对农民工权益的法律保护,既是广大农民工的迫切要求,也是社会发展的客观趋势。

Abstract: With the development of socialist market economic system gradually established and perfected, highlight the growing role of market regulation. Regulation of the labor market so that cities and towns of rural surplus labor force to continuously improve the transfer speed. On the contrary, the traditional management system has not been a fundamental reform, urban and rural isolation mode, the system continues to block many of the rural labor force of the free flow of legitimate rights and interests of migrant workers are not fully effective protection. Due to historical and institutional formation of urban-rural divide, the gap between farmers and urban residents significantly. Compared with these two groups, migrant workers from rural farmers formed a relatively large "in
Inter-class. "Compared with urban residents, migrant workers can not enjoy many of the" Labor Code "provides that the rights, status is very low. In the present conditions, protect