
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 00:19:27

The size of a modern enterprise development, corporate demand for funds is increasing. The effective control of risks under the premise of taking the modest funds to raise debt and liabilities correctly operating enterprises to accelerate the development of important practical significance.

Liabilities during the course of business enterprises as a result of the business environment there are many uncertain factors, especially in pre-borrowing the idea of operating conditions is not conducive to business development, will result in the risk of debt. Run the risk of liability comes mainly from the financial risk and business risk issues.

Financial risk is increasing due to the use of debt and financial burden, and the resulting loss of solvency of enterprises, which eventually led to the risk of corporate insolvency. When enterprises are facing low economic development, due to a fixed amount of the interest burden, the profits will fall, bringing the interests