
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 11:03:47
摘要 消费者习惯调查显示,虽然消费者大都对面料的功能性并不十分了解,但尚有一半的消费者在购买服装时还是会考虑面料的功能性。由此可见,随着人们消费水平的提高,纺织服装面料的功能性将会越来越受人们的关注,功能性纺织品将越来越受消费市场的青睐,前景乐观。而且,服装消费需求高和消费能力强的人群,对面料的功能性需求相对较高。那么怎么提高面料的功能性呢?其中与纤维、生产技术、有着密切关系。为此,本文首先阐述纺织服装面料的类型着手研究,然后探讨面料的功能性与市场以及指数,最后提出如何提高面料的功能性。

关键词 面料类型,功能性,,指数,市场

Summary of consumer survey showed that although consumers are the functions of the fabric is not very understanding, but there are half of the consumers in the purchase of clothing or will be considered when the functional fabrics. It can be seen, along with the improvement of people's consumption level, the function of textile fabric that will be more and more attention, functional textile products will be increasingly favored by the consumer market, the prospects for optimism. Moreover, consumer demand for apparel and consumer high-capacity crowd, on the demand for functional fabrics relatively high. So how to improve the function of fabric as well? One with the fiber, production technology, has a close relationship. To this end, this paper set out the type of textile and garment fabrics to examine, and then to explore the functionality of fabrics, as well as with the market index, and finally how to improve the functionality of fabrics.

Keywords fabric type, funct