
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 07:58:47
2楼还OK的~~~ 我都说还OK了,我在等更好的答案嘛,没有更好才给也不迟

There is no words can express my appreciation for your great help!

我想最符合的是: i cannot thank you too much.
至少表面上吧。 至少这句话是英语本身有的句型。
解释的话 就是: i cannot thank you too much, but i will just bear in my mind.

The best answer for the greatest help is a "Thank you" voicing from my heart.

Big grace obviously thanks 大恩不言谢

Big grace obviously thanks. Be to refer to in any case also be difficult to repay , not wanting to say having moved lips more, therefore, feeling of wanting to come to express being thankful at heart with actual deeds in the days to come. 大恩不言谢 。是指无论如何也难以报答,更不要说只动嘴皮子了,所以,今后要用实际行动来表示心中的感激之情。

It takes more than words to thank you.

I don't know how I can possibly thank you enough.