求助一篇关于sell a secondhand car的英文对话

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 21:42:13
Topic: Your friend bought a new car,but now he doesn't like it.He is eager to sell it to you.

a. So we have a deal?
b. Well, give me a second to check my bank account and see how much deposit I could pay you.
a. OK, I'll see you later.

b. Hey, c, I heard you are looking for a second hand car?
c. Yeah?
b. You know, I applied for Standford University, but my interview sucked, so I thought I would not have the chance and bought this Land Rover a few days ago, and you know what, I got the admission letter this morning!
c. Wow, lucky you!
b. Yeah! Look, I am gonna leave for Standford soon, and I really hope some nice guy, well, like you, can have my car, so what do you say?
c. Well...I say 10 grand for the Land Rover. That's pretty much the most I can afford.
b. Deal!
c. (to himself) 10 grand for a new Land Rover, what a bargain!

b. (calling a) Hello, a!
a. Hi, b, what's up!
b. I checked my bank account and I'll pay you a deposit of 4 grand, do we hav