
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 03:22:02




1, 沿袭英国的教育体制,英语纯正。
2, 比较安静, 适合于学习
3, 酒店专业今后就业前景广泛,而且有两个学期带薪实习,理论联系实际。
4, 治安非常好
5, 学费较低



Dear Visa Officer:
I am the applicant XXX. I have received the offer letter of XX University. It’s my honor to introduce my study plan and purpose of learning abroad to you, hoping that my statement will help your investigation.
I was born on October 1st, 1991, an now a student in senior high school. I was brought up in a happy family. Since I was a child, my parents consciously cultivated my interets and hobbies. And that worthes my life-long appreciation.
I tend to learn abroda. The following is the reason why I want to do so.The educational system and structure in China mainly focus on theory, therefore, the practice is inadequate, and this makes it difficult for a student to find an ideal job. Hence, I intend to learn abroad. After lots of counseling work, my parents and I decide to go to New Zealand. And the advantages are :
1. following the educational system of Britain, genuine English;
2. quiet and fitting for study
3. the major Hospitality