各位朋友 帮我写偏英语作文

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/11 22:45:37
各位朋友 帮我写偏作文 关于部分学生搬出宿舍 在学校附近租房子 现象 部分住校生搬离宿舍 在学校附近租房 多数学生认为宿舍吵闹影响学习和休息 熄灯制度限定了学习时间 许多家长认为 做法有效 投资值得 方便照料饮食起居 你的看法至少2点

These days more and more stduents are moving out from dormitory into the rented house near school.Most stduents choose to live alone rather than live in the dormitory for fear of disturbe from others.When you live alone,you would get rid of others influences so as to learn better and rest well.Also the timetable in the dormitory limit the students' freedom,especially you need to turn off the light at certain time in the evening.My parents support their children to do this too,for they can look after them better.In my eyes,I think that is a wise choice for thoses stduents who could afford the hire to move out,it is also good for those who remain stay.We need to have some private space.
That is all

呵呵  你到我那去  叫我查电脑

              我也到你这来 告诉你 查电脑去吧、、  要是我知道要查电脑  我就不会提出这个问题了、、拜托~~~~~

求各位朋友,帮我写个辞职书? 请各位朋友帮我写一份自我鉴定 各位朋友请帮帮我!!帮我写一篇关于考试作弊的英语作文!!我急用啊!谢谢! 帮我写英语 请各位朋友帮我写一个电脑配置表 帮我作一道英语题 路过英语高人帮我作 谢谢 !!!!! 帮我作首英语情诗 谁帮我作首英语情诗 各位朋友帮我做几道英语题!拜托了!