
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 19:46:18
三星目前在市场上所获得的高的定位并不仅仅依赖于这样宣传,并且consumer report所能带来的实际效果要预计起来也是不是件容易的事情。由于是与consumer有关的,所以涉及的层面会更加的宽广。比如Feedback等

Samsung is currently in the market by the positioning of higher does not depend solely on this information, consumer report and the actual results can bring up is to be expected was not easy. Because it is with the consumer and therefore will be more involved in the broad level. Feedback, such as for example,

Samsung currently on the market of high position is not merely dependent on such propaganda, and come to bring about the actual effect is expected to rise is not an easy thing. Due to the relevant is come, so the level will be more involved in the broad. Such as Feedback, etc