
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 18:46:17
研究三农问题目的是要解决农民增收、农业增长、农村稳定。 实际上,这是一个居住地域、从事行业和主体身份三位一体的问题,但三者侧重点不一,必须一体化地考虑以上三个问题。中国作为一个农业大国,“三农”问题关系到国民素质、经济发展,关系到社会稳定、国家富强。

Study the issue of agriculture is to address the income of farmers, agricultural growth, rural stability. In fact, this is a living area, engaged in the industry and the main identity of three-in-one, but three different focus, we must consider the integration of the above three questions. China, as a large agricultural country, "Three Rural Issues" related to the quality of our people, economic development, and related to the social stability and prosperity of the country.