
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 17:48:19


In the process of reading, the reader first understands the literal meaning of the language, but what is really meant is often beyond the meaning expressed by the words.We read not only to understand the meaning carried by words, but also to catch the meaning between the lines, which the author does not say explicitly but desires to convey. This is what we usually term as "reading between the lines".Because of the limitation of space or some other reasons, the author sometimes does not elaborate on certain points,or just offers some hints or clues. In this situation, the learners have to utilize a logical reasoning to infer what is embedded in a piece of writing by virtue of a comprehensive judgement and the interrelatedness of the language per se, before obtaining an inference in conformity with the intention of the author, based on the understanding of the orignial messages.
This is a very important competence in reading, to judge, reason and infer what is not