
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/08 23:28:24
A:你好 小鸭子 你看起来不高兴 你怎么啦?
B:我现在不开心 我刚刚和妈妈走散 我迷路了 你能和我一起找我的妈妈吗?我一个人不能做这个
A:好。我刚刚才看见她,跟着我 她是你的妈妈吗?
B:是的 妈妈!
C:哦 我的儿子 你刚才去哪了 我到处找你
B:妈妈 我刚刚迷路了 她帮我找到你的 谢谢你

A:你好 小鸭子 你看起来不高兴 你怎么啦?
A: Hi, duckling. You do not seem happy. What's wrong?

B:我现在不开心 我刚刚和妈妈走散 我迷路了 你能和我一起找我的妈妈吗?我一个人不能做这个
B. I'm not happy now because I'm separated from my mother. I'm lost. Can you go look for my mom with me? I cannot find her by myself.

A:好。我刚刚才看见她,跟着我 她是你的妈妈吗?
A: Okay. I just saw her. follow me. Is she your mom?

B:是的 妈妈!
Yes, mom!

C:哦 我的儿子 你刚才去哪了 我到处找你
C: Oh, my son. Where were you? I have been looking for you everywhere.

B:妈妈 我刚刚迷路了 她帮我找到你的 谢谢你
B: Mom, I was lost just now. She helped me find you. Thank you!

A: You're welcome.

A hi, my duckling, you look unhappy today, what's wrong?

B I am unhappy, I am lost, i can not find my mom. can you come to find my mom with me? I can not do it with my own..

A well, I think I just saw her. follow me, is she your mom?

B ya! mom!

C oh, my son,