
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 08:41:24
Numerical Distortion in Single-Tone DDS
Abstract:Spurious performance of direct digital synthesis (DDS) is partly caused by two quantization operations in its numerical (i.e. digital) part. These errors are deterministic and periodic in the time domain, therefore they appear as line spectra (undesired components: spurs) in the frequency domain. Hence it is quite natural to analyze the effects by DFT (discrete Fourier transform). The amplitude quantization (AQ), being present permanently, causes harmonically related spurs, while phase truncation (PT) produces spurs around the output frequency by phase modulation. However, as a consequence of DDS sampling process, spurs would be folding back into the DDS bandwidth (first Nyquist zone) and possibly overlapping.
A simple procedure is presented for evaluating location and level of spurs, which are due to numerical distortion in a standard DDS system. Examples using an interactive math tool are available onli


摘要:虚假性能的直接数字合成( DDS )的部分所造成的两个量化行动在其数值(即数字)的一部分。在时域这些误差具有确定性和周期性,因此,他们似乎是线谱(不受欢迎的组成部分:马刺队)的频域。因此,这是很自然的影响进行分析的DFT (离散傅立叶变换) 。幅度量化( aq ),存在永久,其原因和声相关马刺,而相位截断( Pt )产品的输出频率的相位调制。但是,作为一个后果的DDS采样过程中,马刺将折叠放回频率带宽(第一奈奎斯特区) ,并可能重叠。

