
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 16:39:32
就是龟仙人临死前与师傅的对话 、 我们英语复赛要用的 、 知道的要快点吖 !!!

inner peace.
inner peace.
inner peace.
Would whoever is making
thatflapping sound quiet down?
Oh, Zeng.
I could use some good news right now.
Master! Master!
I have... it's... it's very bad news.
There is just news.
There is no good or bad.
Master, your vision...
Your vision was right.
Tai Lung has broken out of prison.
He's on his way.
That is bad news
If you do not believe
that the Dragon Warrior can stop him.
The panda? Master,
that panda is not the Dragon Warrior.
He wasn't meant to be here!
it was an accident.
There are no accidents.
Yes, i know. You've said that already.
-Well, that was no accident, either.
My old friend,
the panda will never fulfill
his destiny, nor you yours,
until you let go of the illusion of control.