
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 12:39:23
亲爱的海伦,你好吗? 我是hayley
请允许我用这种方式和你联络,因为你在假期, 所以我有点问题想第一时间请问你,

我的签证10 月31号到期,我想续签, 因为我是学生签证, 工作时间每周不能超过30小时, 如果多余30小时, 有可能拒签, 所以这对于我们的续签很重要。这里的护士poly 告诉我们, 我们可以申请一个银行支票, 把多出的工作时间打到支票上面, 等续签完成后再去银行还钱, 听起来是一个很好的办法, helen 你有什么意见吗? 他还告诉我们不用担心, 从6月份的工资开始, 因为home office 的工作人员只会查看签证结束的前3个月的工作小时。

hayley w

Hello, Helen, dear? I am hayley
Please allow me to use this way to contact with you, because you are on vacation, so I have a problem to the first do you,

My visa expires on October 31st, I want to renew, because I am a student visa, working hours must not exceed 30 hours per week, if less than 30 hours, there may be refused, so it is very important for our renewed. Here the nurse poly tell us, we can apply for a bank checks, and put the extra time to check it again after the completion of the extension, go to a bank is money, sounds is a good way to Helen, do you have any comment? He also told us that don't worry, from June, because the salary start home office staff can only see the visa over 3 months before working hours.

Hayley w