
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 09:10:51

Management reform must be matched, and the implementation of modern management also requires the coordinated development, personnel management since the system in the management of such prominent play an important role in the management of the wave of modernization, the modernization of personnel management also need to keep pace with modern management to make social of large-scale production and the development of modern science and technology play a role in amplification and output. In short, the modernization of personnel management is essential to modernize the management of an important link, it is the modern management theories, methods and means applied to the personnel work to achieve human resources management to maximize the efficiency of work in order to adapt to social and scientific technology development. The realization of the modernization of personnel management to engage in management from an individual or a small number of people with experience to make decisions,