water paradise scanning club westwind 是干什么的

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 03:41:14
water paradise scanning club westwind 是什么
给点关于water paradise scanning club westwind 的资料,图片文字都可以
随便帮我说下 下面大概都说了些什么?

10-04-2009, 03:44 PM
Hi there, I've noticed a watermark bearing the above names on some scans that I have, and i've been wondering who or what they are. There is scant information on the net about them, and the generic acronyms and words that form the phrases are not helping to filter out results. Putting them in quotes on google nets hardly anything. I've come to guess that it's some kind of scanning collective, but that's about all i have on it. More information and a purported link to their official website are in the restricted section, so i can't access it just yet....anyone know any more about these? Many forums and sites are posting repeats of these pics, i'm trying to look for their source. Thanks to anyone who may be able to help!

water paradise scanning club westwind

Hi there, I've noticed a watermark bearing the above names on some scans that I have, and i've been wondering who or what they are. There is scant information on the net about them, and the generic acronyms and words that form the phrases are not helping to filter out results. Putting them in quotes on google nets hardly anything. I've come to guess that it's some kind of scanning collective, but that's about all i have on it. More information and a purported link to their official website are in the restricted section, so i can't access it just yet....anyone know any more about these? Many forums and sites are posting repeats of these pics, i'm trying to look for their source. Thanks to anyone who may be able to help!


嗨,经过搜索,我注意到上面名称带有水印,也想弄明白是啥玩意。网络上有关于他们的资讯很少,用缩写形式过滤也木有用。加上引号在 google 上搜索也白费劲。从目前掌握的资讯看来,俺猜测它可能涉及审查的禁