
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 09:54:29
passages this strain was plated for single colonies on solid media and 50 of these were patched onto plates with or without drug present. Sensitive isolates were tested for the presence of pHV2 by agarose gel electrophoresis of plasmid extracts and one was selected which showed no small plasmids (i.e. pHV2 or pWL102) present, although the larger pHV1 plasmid was retained. This was labelled strain DS70. In contrast to strain WFD11, in which about 10%of colonies are small and slow growing, the new strain did not show any signi®cant frequency of slowgrowing colonies on solid media, and was indistinguishable in growth and transformation characteristics from the parent.
Cloning and sequence of Har. hispanica hmgA
The Har. hispanica simvastatin-resistance determinant was isolated from the chromosomal DNA of a drugresistant mutant (see Methods), and a cloned fragment of 1±6 kb was completely sequenced (GenBank accession no. AF123438). The entire sequence was 1601 n

这个品种是段落上镀单殖民地的媒体和50被放在盘子里有或无药物的礼物。敏感菌试验pHV2在场的情况下,通过琼脂电泳萃取的质粒,一选择显示没有小的质粒(即pHV2或pWL102),但更大的pHV1质粒被保留。这是DS70贴上应变。相反,关于应变WFD11 10%of殖民地是小而生长缓慢,新的紧张并没有表现出任何signi®斜面上slowgrowing殖民地的频率,并在固体介质中生长和变形特点,从母体。
克隆技术和序列的Har. hispanica hmgA
这个Har. simvastatin-resistance hispanica判定是孤立的,从染色体DNA变异(见drugresistant的方法),和一个克隆片段的1±6 kb完全被排列(基因资讯资料库)入盟。AF123438)。整个序列包含一个漫长而896元台币nt ORF(麻烦122±1339)编码的蛋白质显示405 aa推断HMG-CoA相似性很高的蛋白质。最近的序列
在基因资讯资料库)序列数据库是Hfx. volcanii hmgA,78%的身份的核苷酸水平,71%的身份在预测的氨基酸序列。接下来四个最相似(预测蛋白质都假定HMG-CoA reductases,即从古。Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum Sulfolobus solfataricus,Methanococcus,jannaschii和
Pyrococcus horikoshii。