请网上朋友帮忙翻译一下关于Thermage的介绍 。谢谢!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 08:22:41
Face by Thermage can help smooth and tighten your skin for an onerall naturally younger looking appearance without surgery or injections.
Single Treatment. Generally, some improvement is immediately visible and continues for up to six months.
Little to no downtime. After treatment, you can quickly get back to your normal routine.
Face by Thermage is color blind. Unlike lasers, Face by Thermage works on all skin types and colors.
The year round procedure. After a Face by Thermage procedure, you do not have to avoid the sun as with laser treatments. Schedule your Thermage procedure in the summer or any time that's right for you!

Face by Thermage 可以顺利帮助你把皮肤收紧的自然,年轻,而不需要通过外科手术或药物注射。
全年疗程。经过Face by Thermage的疗程,您不必用激光治疗来避免太阳辐射。您可以再在夏季或任何适合您的时间来安排Face by Thermage疗程!
