
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 00:35:38
何腾蛟是一位颇受争议的历史人物, 在南明史籍中,何腾蛟的地位非常显赫。他在弘光朝廷覆亡时拒绝了清方的招降,最后被俘坚贞不屈,英勇就义。身先士卒置个人身家性命而不顾,面对满清多次的威逼利诱,何腾蛟至始至终表现了崇高的民族气节和视死如归的大无畏精神。可是纵观他的一生,本应是文天祥一流的英雄人物,但他在历史上的地位远不如文天祥成为家喻户晓的民族英雄,这其中既与满清长达二百六十五年的统治有关,但也有其自身的弱点和缺陷,表现出政治、文化上的不成熟。在抗清事业中,何腾蛟成事不足,败事有余,成为“忠臣”误国的话柄,也是无可争辩的事实。

关键词 何腾蛟 局限性 南明 “忠臣”误国

HEJIAOTEN is a controversial historical figure, historical records Nanming in a very prominent position ofHEJIAOTEN . Hiromitsu court in the fall of an empire, he refused a clearance side, and finally captured , heroic martyrdom. Purchase lead his life regardless of the individual, in the face of coercion in a number of the Qing Dynasty,HEJIAOTEN stier high performance of the national integrity and the dauntless spirit of death. Throughout his life, however, this should be a first-class hero Wen Tianxiang, but his place in history as a far less well-known national hero Wen Tianxiang, which is long and the Qing Dynasty 265 years the rule, but also has its own weaknesses and shortcomings, showing the political, cultural immaturity. The cause of the Ming forces,HEJIAOTEN ourselves as the "loyal" misuse of making themselves laughing stocks in the country, is an indisputable fact.