
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/01 07:06:23
Making a Fuss Over Opening Credits; Film Titles Offer a Peek at the Future in More Ways Than One
By Sarah Boxer
这篇文章出略的概括每个不同时期title sequence的特点,有趣的是,作者认为,Title designs took off in the later 1950's, but the second "title wave" did not begin. And the latese trend is grunge title design, the descendant of the distressed typography of print graphics. 更甚的,称the king of grunge is Mr. Greenberg and Kyle Cooper. 甚至提出There are title designer are now writing their history, but the writing of history begins when an era is ending.
这篇文章从一个与别不同的,悲观的角度在分析当今的title sequence发展趋势,值得借鉴。
这篇文章提出,opening title is to the movie as the production designer is to product. 顾客是不会放太多心思在上面的. 文章访问了 Catch Me If You Can (2002)的导演 Steven Spielberg. 关于为什么在他most recent film 里,看不到title sequence. The reason, according to Spielberg is audiences don't care.
这篇journal提出title sequence的另一种可能会发展的形式——从屏幕上消失,或者越来越简短。
这篇文章分析了3部电影的艺术表现手法,电影包括Catch Me If You Can, Auto Focus, FarFrom Heav


Making a Fuss Over Opening Credits; Film Titles Offer a Peek at the Future in More Ways Than One
By Sarah Boxer
This artical clarified out the characters of title sequence in different periods.For what is funny,the author deem that Title designs took off in the later 1950's, but the second "title wave" did not begin. And the latese trend is grunge title design, the descendant of the distressed typography of print graphics. What's more,the king of grunge is Mr. Greenberg and Kyle Cooper. even suggest that there are title designer are now writing their history, but the writing of history begins when an era is ending.
This article analysis the develop tendency of title sequence in a veay spacial and sadness angle, it is worth to use for reference
this artical figure out that opening title is to the movie as the production designer is to product. customers won't pay much attention on it. the auther inter