
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 10:26:21
[摘要]: 裁剪是计算机图形学中的基本问题,它是其它诸多重要问题的基础。裁剪的效率,对于整个图形系统的速度,具有举足轻重的作用。因此,国内外许多著名专家学者,都研究过裁剪问题,提出了许多出色的算法,从而使裁剪效率大大提高。但是,以往的文献大多是研究矩形窗口的裁剪,而以任意多边形为窗口的裁剪,在平面图形并、交、差运算,多面体消隐处理,以及工程CAD中(如装配图的生成)大量使用。因此,研究以任意多边形为窗口的裁剪,以提高它的效率,不仅对于改进图形的基本算法很有必要,而且具有很大的实用意义。本文将对各种任意多边形窗口的裁剪算法的裁剪效率,包括计算量、运算速度、时间空间复杂度和优缺点等方面进行比较,做出一份比较综合的论述。
关键字: 计算机图形学;线裁剪;圆形窗口;多边形窗口
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[Abstract]: Tailor be that fundamental problem in computer graphics , it are other a lot of important problem basis. The efficiency tailoring , the speed to entire artwork system, have the effect carrying weight. Therefore, a lot of famous home and abroad expert scholar, the fault all studying is deleted problem, have brought forward a lot of outstanding algorithm , made thereby tailor efficiency improves greatly. But, the document in the past is mostly tailoring studying rectangle window's, but with arbitrarily polygonous tailoring for window, before flat surface artwork intersecting together, dispatch an arithmetic, polyhedral blanking handles , (comes into being as well as project CAD is as middle as assembling picture) Da Liang Shi Yong . Therefore, study with arbitrarily polygonous tailoring for window, to improve its efficiency, not only the algorithm is necessary very much, and have very big pragmatic significance to the basic improving an artwork. The main body of a book