翻译一首英语歌,The Fray的Where The Story Ends

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 06:58:18
Trying not to lose my head But I have never been this scared before Tell you what Ill do instead Lay my body down on the floor To forget what Ive done Silhouette til the good lord come All we know is distance Were close and then we run Kiss away the difference I know you hate this one Trying not to lose your own Boxing up everything, youve got All you ever knew of home Youre scared, scared to see Your mother there in the door You wonder where did the years go All we know is distance Were close and then we run Kiss away the difference I know you hate this one But this is how the story ends Or have we just begun To kiss away the difference I know you hate this one The violins make no sound And I begin to feel the ground All we know is distance Were close and then we run Kiss away the difference I know you hate this one But this is where the story ends Or have we just begun To kiss away the difference I know you hate this one

试图不失去我的意志,但我从来没有这种害怕面前告诉你做什么,而非病态我的身体就请忘记艾韦做剪影淋巴细胞的上帝来我们知道的全部情况是距离接近,然后我们运行吻距离的差异,我知道你恨这个尝试不能失去自己的拳击一切, 你会了解所有你曾经知道的.您是害怕,害怕看到您的母亲在那里的大门.您想知道在哪里.所有这些年来我们的距离接近,你吻了我后,我知道你恨这个.但这样的故事也许结束,或者才刚刚开始,我们亲吻,我知道你恨这个小提琴不完美,我开始感觉地面.我们明白这是非常接近的距离,但我们选择的不同,我知道你恨这个,但是这就是这个故事结束或刚刚开始,我们亲吻的差异以外,我知道你讨厌这个