
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 07:47:49
你们出货时没有给物流公司出货文件吗? 传给我的出货文件是需要我确认提货用的,你们在出货时也需要给物流一份,下次出货请同时传给我及物流公司.

Didn'you send the shipment documents to the logistics company?The documents which you sent me was for my confirmation to take the goods, and you need to send one copy to the logistics too . Please fax the documents to the logistics and me simultaneously at next shipment.

When you have to logistics company shipment documents? Pass me the shipping documents are needed to confirm the delivery with me, you also need to ship in a shipment of logistics, next time, please pass me and logistics company.

你们出货时没有给物流公司出货文件吗? 传给我的出货文件是需要我确认提货用的,你们在出货时也需要给物流一份,下次出货请同时传给我及物流公司.

When you do not ship to the shipping logistics company files? Shipping documents handed to me I need to confirm delivery is used, you also need to ship to the logistics of a next time, please ship to me and at the same time logistics companies.

When you do not ship to the shipping logistics company files? Shipping documents handed to me I need to confirm delivery is used, you also need to