
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 01:32:59
摘要:随着社会的进步和人们对居住环境要求的提高,室内环境的要求也在不断更新发展与不断丰富多彩。 空间的合理化并给人们以美的感受是设计基本的任务。要勇于探索、技术赋于空间的新形象,不要拘泥于过去形成的空间形象。室内设计是以创造良好的室内空间环境为宗旨,把满足人们在室内进行生产、生活、工作、休息的要求置于首位,所以在室内设计时要充分考虑使用功能要求,使室内环境合理化、舒适化、科学化;要考虑人们的活动规律处理好空间关系,空间尺寸,空间比例;合理配置陈设与家具,妥善解决室内通风,采光与照明,注意室内色调的总体效果。
关键词:室内装饰设计 功能 布局 划分

Abstract: along with the social progress and people's living environment, indoor environmental requirements are constantly updated development and rich and colorful. The rationalization of space and to the people of beauty is the basic task. Courage to explore and technology in the new image of the space assignment, don't get bogged down in the past form of space image. Interior design is to create a good environment for the purpose of interior space, to meet people in indoor production, life, work and rest requirements, so sacrosanct in interior design should fully consider the use function requirement, make indoor environment rationalization, comfortable and scientific. Consider the people with good space activities, space, space proportion; the size of Rational configuration of display and furniture, and seeking a proper settlement of indoor and ventilated with daylighting, lighting, notice indoor tonal whole effect.


With social progress and p