请专业人士帮忙翻译(英译中)——ASP.NET方面的 ,注:拒绝翻译器!!!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 23:21:41
View state refers to the page-level state management mechanism, which is utilized by the HTML pages emitted by ASP.NET applications to maintain the state of the web form controls and widgets. The state of the controls are encoded and sent to the server at every form submission in a hidden field known as __VIEWSTATE. The server sends back the variable so that when the page is re-rendered, the controls render at their last state. At the server side, the application might change the viewstate, if the processing results in updating the state of any control. The states of individual controls are decoded at the server, and are available for use in ASP.NET pages using the ViewState collection.[12] [13]
The main use for this is to preserve form information across postbacks. So if a user fills out a form but enters a wrong value, the form is automatically filled back in when the page is sent back to the user for correction. Since Viewstate is turned on by default and it serializes every ob

page-level视图状态是指国家管理机制,利用HTML页面发出的ASP . 网络应用程序来维护国家的网页表单控件和部件。国家控制的编码和发送到服务器,在每个表单提交隐藏在现场被称为_ VIEWSTATE。服务器发送回变量,这样当页面被re-rendered、控制在他们最后的渲染。在服务器端程序可能会改变,viewstate,如果处理的结果在更新的任何控制。美国的个人控制是在服务器,并且译码可供使用ASP . 使用ViewState净页收藏。[12][13]

视图状态指的是页面级的国家管理机制,这是所用的HTML网页所发出的ASP.NET应用程序,以维护国家的Web窗体控件和工具。该国的控制编码和发送到服务器的每一个表单提交一个隐藏字段称为__VIEWSTATE 。服务器发回的变量,使网页时重新作出的控制使他们去年的状态。在服务器端,应用程序可能会改变的Viewstate ,如果处理结果在更新国家的任何控制。个别国家的控制解码器在服务器上,而且可用于ASP.NET页使用的Viewstate收集。 [ 12 ] [ 13 ]