
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/27 12:13:41

我们将自主学习机制引入智能主体(agent),目标是为了让主体(agent)具有像人类一样的自主学习能力,其结构如图12.2所示[619]。其中控制中枢和自主智力发展 (Autonomous Mental Development,AMD)是主体(agent)的根本,知识库、通信机制、感知器和效应器也是一个具有自主学习能力的主体的必不可少的组件。控制中枢类似于人脑的神经中枢,对其他各组件起控制和协调作用,反应主体的功能也在控制中枢中得到体现。AMD是智能主体的自主学习系统,其功能体现为一个智能主体的自主学习能力。通信机制采用通信语言(如ACL)直接与主体所处的环境进行信息交互,它是一个特殊的感知器或效应器。感知器就如同人的眼睛和耳朵等感觉器官,用于感知主体所处的环境。效应器就如同人的手脚、嘴等器官,用于完成主体所要做的事情。主体通过执行AMD的AA学习(Automated Animal—like learning)算法不断地增长自己的知识,提高自己的能力,主要体现在功能模块数量的不断增加和功能的不断增强上。知识库相当于人的大脑的记忆部件,用于存储信息。自主机器智力开发的一个非常重要的功能就是信息的自动存储,因此如何有效地自动组织并存储各种类型的信息(如图像、声音、文本等)是一个AMD成功的关键。

We will introduce independent learning mechanism of intelligent agent (agent), the aim is to make body (agent) like human has the independent learning ability, its structure is shown as 12.2 [619]. The control center and independent intellectual Development (AMD), Autonomous were short (of) is fundamental knowledge agent, communication mechanism, and also a perceptron and effector with independent learning ability of essential components. Similar to the control center, and other groups of central nervous system function and coordination control parts of the body, the reaction function of central control. The subject is intelligent, AMD autonomous learning system and its main function embodied in a smart of autonomous learning ability. The communication mechanism by communication language (such as ACL) directly with the main environment information interaction, it is a special perceptron or effector. Perceptron as man's eyes and ears sense organs, used to perceive as main environ