跪求 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XODE5NTY5Mg==.html 是谁么歌曲?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/18 04:50:13

<We are the world>
1985年,迈克尔·杰克逊和莱昂纳尔·里奇共同谱写,由美国45位歌星联合演唱,昆西·琼斯负责制作的,为求援非洲饥民而义卖的唱片《天下一家》(We Are The World),震撼了亿万人的心,风靡全球。


There comes a time when we heed a certain call (Lionel Richie 莱昂纳尔.里奇)
When the world must come together as one (Lionel Richie 莱昂纳尔.里奇& Stevie Wonder史蒂夫.汪德)
There are people dying (Stevie Wonder史蒂夫.汪德)
Oh, and it's time to lend a hand to life (Paul Simon保罗西蒙)
The greatest gift of all (Paul Simon保罗西蒙/Kenny Rogers肯尼.洛杰斯)
We can't go on pretending day by day (Kenny Rogers肯尼.洛杰斯)
That someone, somewhere will soon make a change (James Ingram詹姆斯殷格朗)
We're all a part of God's great big family (Tina Turner蒂娜.特纳)
And the truth (Billy Joel比利.乔)
You know love is all we need (Tina Turner蒂娜.特纳/Billy Joel比利.乔) ( 合唱 )
We are the world, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day so let's start giving (Michael Jackson迈克